Comprehensive service and maintenance

The company "ENG SPORT TECHNOLOGIES" provides comprehensive service and maintenance of equipment, including preventive maintenance, scheduled repairs, restoration repairs, emergency repairs. In case of problems that the local staff cannot cope with, we promptly leave to eliminate them, both to the facilities built by us and to third-party facilities. All repairs, used spare parts and consumables are warranted.

Thoughtful after-sales service, regular diagnostics and prompt troubleshooting allow not only avoiding emergencies, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the equipment and extending its service life, but also optimizing operating costs.

The service department of the company carries out diagnostics and repairs of any climatic equipment. Our experts also provide technical expertise, advice on training and efficient operation of the equipment.

Flexible contracting system for both one-time troubleshooting work and permanent system maintenance.

Also specialists of our company, certified by the Ontario Federation of sports facilities, carry out the coloring of the ice and the marking of the ice field in accordance with the rules of the Kazakhstan and International Ice Hockey Federations.